Human Science

We see the forms of life around us and wonder where their origin and source of power lies. It comes from energy. Moreover, there is a fascinating relationship between these two entities. Energy creates forms, whether physical forms of rocks or humans, or mental forms such as concepts and ideas. Forms however break down. But the energy behind them does not go away. Rather that energy formulates into new forms. When a form of government breaks down, such as monarchy, the energy behind does not falter, but reformulates new forms, such as democracy. The force, will, and power of the energy gives new forms to old dying ones. When things die -- whether anachronistic forms of social influence like aristocracy, or even the human and his or her body -- the current form is unable to hold the energy contained in it. The energy behind it in essence wants to take new forms, such as a new social order or even new forms of life. Sri Aurobindo in his metaphysical opus ‘The Life Divine’ indicates that energy is the source of all things, all life. He says that there is a constant dynamic energy in movement in the universe that takes forms, subtle or gross, in the physical body or object, plant or animal or metal. The common energy that flows through the universe subtly and invisibly has as its source a spiritual Force that emanated from the one Infinite consciousness. Though we are a product of energy, it is not static. We can increase it at any time. I.e. we can have greater physical energy, greater vital/emotional intensity and energy, greater mental energy. Increasing any will give us the power to accomplish anything in life, and in that process create greater inner fulfillment. But what can we do to increase it? There are a number of methods. One is to increase our level of aspiration in life. The more intense we want to achieve a goal, the greater the will, and thus the more energy released. Another way to maintain and build our energies is to maintain a positive attitude. Negative attitudes tend or deplete our energies, even evoking instances of sudden ill fortune. Positive attitudes towards others, one’s self, one’s work, and life tend to have the opposite effect. The more we increase our energy, the more likely the forms that relate to our being will maintain themselves and avoid breaking down. If we lose physical, vital, or mental energy, those forms tend to whither. Energy is the source of all accomplishment. It is energy that created the universe from an Infinite consciousness. Likewise it is energy that also enables us create and achieve in life. The greater the consciousness, the greater the energy – physical, vital, mental, and spiritual. --Roy Posner 16:51, 4 July 2009 (UTC)
